Live by Soil was inspired from a desire to change to a less chemical dependent skin care regime due to skin reactions to so-called natural store bought soaps. But while I had an epiphany to make a change in my soap usage, there still remained the need to make a change in the so-called foods (Western Food Pyramid) that I was putting into my temple. I will not dwell too much on what's meant by so-called foods however, I will say that the American diet lacks sufficient nutrients for my families' body to thrive the way the creator (The Most High) designed our bodies to be.
After a difficult year full of ups and downs (death in family, theft, and loss), I decided to go all out and pursue my passion. I spent a great amount of time in study and spent a lot of resources to develop the things I am very passionate about; sewing for my family (and soon others), natural herbal skin care remedies, and t-shirt design. I have quite a few things I would like to add to my store but the foundation must be built first. I will be going over different lifestyle changes that has made a difference in my family's life and I would like to share them with those who are also on their journey to making changes in their life into a less industry dependent way.