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Benefits of Lavender

Live by Soil

Lavender is a healing herb that has been used for centuries to make soaps, teas and sachets. The essential oil of lavender is a popular and all time favorite aromatherapy oil used to make soaps, since it contains all the herb’s volatile and aromatic oils. A member of the mint family, it is a safe herb to use for the entire family, and its benefits are rewarding and endless.

Soaps made with lavender essential oils is said to promote a sense of relaxation which can be beneficial to use lavender soaps before bedtime to promote a deep sleep. Lavender soap is said to also be an effective calming aid for anxiety or excessive energy in children and toddlers.

Lavender epsom salt baths have become apart of our family's bedtime routine to help relax before bed at least once a week.

There are more benefits of using homemade lavender soap than store-bought lavender soap.

Some of the benefits include:

Relieve stress

A study by Charles Stuart University of Australia in 2005 concluded that the subtle flowery scent of lavender is able to alter brainwaves and create the feeling of wellbeing. Not only during the usage of lavender soap, the process of making this homemade soap even gives you the sense of relief, as the making process also lets you have enough exposure to the natural relaxing fragrance of lavender blossoms.

Lifts mood

Lavender helps with mood swings.

Treat insect bites

Lavender has been known to contain excellent anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties. A study taken by Loyola College in 2006 proved this fact. We can use lavender products including homemade lavender soap to deal with light infection such as insect bites. Lavender is said to soothe the itching and recover the redness in an effective way.

Natural hair shampoo

Not only is lavender beneficial for our skin but is said to promote hair growth. The natural ingredients of homemade lavender soap will also give your hair some breaks from the man-made chemical compounds in the common shampoo we use.

Soften skin Most people know about the benefits of Lavender for skin health and that It will eventually soften our skin by retaining our natural skin moisture.

Treats acne

Acne might be a common skin problem.

The antibacterial property's of lavender is powerful to prevent bacterial infection. As we know, bacterial infection is said to be one of the main causes of acne. The use of lavender soap can help soothe the inflamed acne and boost the recovery.

Due to battling some skin issues and sensitivities, this was the inspiration behind making our Lavender Fields soap, along with the many requests to make a lavender soap. Surprisingly enough, most of the requests came from men including my husband, which I am glad to make.

All content is for informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. Please consult your healthcare physician for your health concerns.



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